Sunday, November 24, 2013

First Blog Entry! AAAHHHH!

Hello, everyone who cares. My name is Lauren. I am 26, living on the U.S. East Coast, and attending college as an English Major with a concentration in Literature. How'dyou do?

(Honestly, I'm never sure what parts of my college student "title" to capitalize--aside from "English," of course. Ah, well. I'm proud enough of what I'm doing to capitalize all of it. ...Say, why not capitalize "concentration," as well? ...Nahh.)

SO. This is...well, my blog. (That's a weird word, isn't it? Blog. Sounds sloppy. It's like...someone didn't feel like bothering saying "black dog" and just decided to squeeze the words together. ...That, or it sounds like a personal issue--something you wouldn't want people to know about.)

I've also kept a LiveJournal for well over a decade now, but that's mostly really personal stuff. I thought I'd try jumping on this here blog bandwagon and seeing if I could keep up sharing stuff approved for the general public. Mundane things, ridiculous things... If I do keep at it, I'll eventually get the hang of it. I'm optimistic.

Unlike with Tumblr. Good God, that site is one wicked mess. I mostly use it to find fandom-related things. I honestly find the idea of making friends with people through that site as something...a little too unconventional for me at the moment. Heck, instead of simple "friend requests," you get messages saying, "(insert ridiculous Tumblr handle here) has started following you!" In other words, "Hey! Someone you don't know is looking into your interests!" ...Though that doesn't annoy me nearly as much as the general layout of the site, like I mentioned. Holy fucking bees' nuts.

Profanity in this blog will be restrained, for the most part. I'll try to use it rarely, and only for comedic purposes.

Anyway, let's start with an idea from a "blog challenge" thingymawhat I found a few months ago.

"What is the meaning behind your blog name?" reads one random prompt.

Well, I signed up for Blogger using my Google account, for which my personal icon thing is a tiger. I also found the name clever, and the url was free, so hey. Also I really do like tigers. Freaking gorgeous creatures, really. I once wrote a sonnet about them.

That's another thing. I enjoy writing sonnets and form poetry. There, have a random fact about me. I've been published twice, in college literary magazines.

...Rambling now. Maybe my next entry will feature some stuff I'm currently into.


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